Monday, November 10, 2008

America's Happiest Jobs

I came across this article, and thought it was pretty appropiate for all of us seniors who are about to graduate in the upcoming months, and venture out into the real world. The University of Chicago recently conducted a study, and found the top ten most satisfying jobs in America. The top occupations include Clergy, Firefighters, Transportation, Ticket, and Reservation Agents, Architects, Special Education Teachers, Actors and Directors, Science Technicians, Mechanical and Repairing Occupations, Industrial Engineers, and Airline Pilots and Navigators. I found the list to be pretty suprising and quite diverse. However, when you take a closer look, you can see that all of these jobs include helping people. In our society, it is nice to see that helping people can still cause happiness! 

The article goes on to interview some people in these specific careers, and why they find it to be so rewarding. It's a great article, click here to check it out! 

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