Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I didn’t vote in this year’s election

I didn’t vote in this year’s election. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to, believe me I did, but it was because I miscopying New Paltz zip code for my absentee ballot, when I found out it was to late to do anything about it. So in thinking that I am registered vote in NY State I figured I could some way still vote and be counted. I left campus with my roommate today after classes and headed out to Poughkeepsie, where she’s registered. After she voted I decided to go to the Board of Elections in Poughkeepsie to see if there was anything I can do to vote. I went in and there was a line of about 12 or 13 people waiting against the wall “to see the judge”. I spoke with a man at the desk who told me that I had to be from this county in order to vote here, which I knew but I figured since I have proof that I am a registered voter of NY state that there was something I could d and that the only thing I could do was to vote in my hometown (2.5 hours away with no way there). He said guardedly that I could get in line if I had a problem, I didn’t want to make a case out of it so I left. I heard a few students also had problems like mine with paperwork. It seemed to have been an all round leaning experience, and I'll be ready the next time around.

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