Monday, November 3, 2008

High School Musical 3? What has Disney Done?

High School Musical reins supreme in the states for the second straight week. Disney has definitely created a powerhouse trilogy that has moved its "sophomore" antics to the big screen for graduation. My question is, what in the world has happened to Disney? I remember as a child growing up on Disney cartoons on both the big and small screen. Now it seems that Disney has shied away from what has made them so unique. I have never seen any of the HSM series, but I don't think it is fair to the youth of today. As I write this I realize that Disney has probably figured out how much money they can make from the tween market. It just saddens me that the cartoons that they do occasionally make are all computer generated. Who knows, but with the success of their latest non-cartoon creation, I doubt the trend will end.

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