Sunday, September 7, 2008

Slacker Uprising

I was reading different articles about the upcoming election and came across one about Michael Moore's latest documentary, which he made hoping to inspire young people to vote. It's called "Slacker Uprising", and instead of releasing the documentary theatrically, he is going to release it on the web, like a music album. It is the first major movie to be released on the web. It made me wonder if other movies will follow the trend in the future and be released this way. It's fun going to the theater and seeing the movie, an experience you can't get through downloading a movie and watching it at home. "Slacker Uprising" is about Moore's 62 city tour during the 2004 election where he tried to rally young people into voting. The 2004 election saw an 11% increase in the 18-29 age range of voters from the 2000 election. Michael Moore claims the film is for democrats which I find funny seeing as how in the 2004 election a republican won. So yes more young people were voting, just not for the guy he wanted. He will also be making a movie about this election to be released next year. I wonder if his movie will inspire the younger population to vote and especially if it inspires them to vote democratic, like the film intends.

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