Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election 2008

Yesterday was the historic voting day that many of us have been waiting for. It has been eight years since we had a new face in the oval office and it certaintly has changed. When I went to the polls in the city of Newburgh at a local middle school I asked about 25 people that were voting if there were any problems and for the most part the voters said it was relatively a smooth process. When I asked the poll workers if they have been seeing any problems with the voting process, she responded quickly; "no, we run a tight ship."

I decided that she might be trying to blow me off so I started to ask the voters. When asking around, I found one problem with an upset 28 year old African American male voter that was unable to vote. The problem was that the workers were saying that he was not registered even though he was positive that he was. When asking Andre Atkins,28, of Newburgh NY, what happened he said, " I'm positive that I'm registered, I don't know what's going on" I told him to "steal his vote back" and get in touch with the court or a campaign office in the city that could steer him in the right direction. Other than that, it seemed to be a smooth process and the huge turnout was a beautiful thing to see.

Go Obama!

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