Thursday, December 18, 2008

How Much Could Snot Be Worth?

As I was watching my usual late night TV, channel surfing, I came across ‘The Tonight Show’ with Jay Leno. Normally I happen to be a David Letterman fan but I saw that Scarlet Johansson was one of the guests; I paused for a moment to watch. She seemed to be suffering from a really bad head cold that she received from Samuel L. Jackson. During the interview, Johansson decided to blow her nose and bag up her tissue filled with snot, sign the bag and then auction it off for the USA Harvest charity. I realize that it’s all for a good cause but, shouldn’t there be a line somewhere? Are fans really that crazed now-a-days that they would buy snot? I’m not going to lie, this is gross. It’s really great that Johansson is coming up with a way to give to charity but, there are cleaner ways of doing so. Why not auction off the shoes she was wearing or her earrings? Something that is not disease infested. I happen to think that when you are able to donate money to a charity or to anyone less fortunate than yourself, you should do so without the possibility of making them sick in the process. Plus, I can’t imagine that snot would auction off for a whole lot.

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