Monday, December 8, 2008

Blink 182 - will there really ever be a reunion?

Photo Courtesy from Google Images

This may not be of interest to many, but the fact is that Blink 182 is one of the most famous pop-punk bands with three very talented musicians. They had a messy split in 2005 and have all stayed within the music scene - Travis Barker and Mark Hoppus play in +44 while Tom Delonge is in Angels and Airwaves. However, once they had their "indefinite hiatus" there was barely any communication between the three of them except for Travis and Mark. Finally in late 2008 they all began talking again after Travis' plane crash and the death of their Blink 182 producer.

Many of their fans are very excited because they are in contact once again, but unfortunately that doesn't mean that they will reunite. This article is about them talking again but I have found many blogs and other sites that state that the actual guys have denied a reunion...

All blink fans just keep your fingers crossed ... anything can happen ...

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