Monday, December 15, 2008

Brown Baggin' It

In a New Yorker article written by Lauren Collins, she describes the rise of shoppers using brown recyclable bags rather than flashy name brand shopping bags (such as the well known turquoise Tiffany's bag). This is partly because of the recent rise in "going green" and brown bags are as mentioned recyclable, and in addition, plastic bags are extremely bad for the environment, and we use way too many of them, in my opinion. Collins feels that this is due partly to the economy crash. She mentions that the wealthy don't exactly feel guilty about parading around with their Gucci and Prada shopping bags with overly priced cargo, but being wealthy isn't exactly as "popular" as it once was. Exploiting the fact that you have money during these times is fair game for snarls and a good deal of eye rolling. To read more about the brown bag craze go here:

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